The Great Cloud Of Witnesses
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1
In my home office, I have three depictions of Mary. I have an Eastern Orthodox icon of Madonna and Child that my dad brought me from a trip to Romania, where he had been working on an orphanage. I have a print of Our Lady of Guadalupe that Lee and Daniel brought me from their missions trip to Mexico. I have a 3" white plastic statue of Mary with her arms outstretched that I rescued from someone's trash.
I don't think I would have made it through my years of active parenting without Mary. I drew comfort and strength from her example. It made me feel less alone to think that she had gone through "mom stuff," just like I was having to do. I kept her pictures in my office to remind myself that I just needed to hang in there. I keep them there now because I still need that reminder.
The verse above from Hebrews follows what is often called "The Faith Chapter" (Hebrews 11). That chapter highlights those who have come before us who have "kept the faith."
When I read Hebrews 12:1, I can see myself in a huge stadium filled with these people of faith who are cheering me on as I run my race. There's Abraham and Sarah, Rahab, Gideon, Samuel, David--and Mary--and countless others. This great cloud of witnesses roars with approval when I'm swift and sure; they groan their dismay when I stumble. They are pulling for me. They are waiting for the day I join them in the grandstands.
--Leslie Porter
In my home office, I have three depictions of Mary. I have an Eastern Orthodox icon of Madonna and Child that my dad brought me from a trip to Romania, where he had been working on an orphanage. I have a print of Our Lady of Guadalupe that Lee and Daniel brought me from their missions trip to Mexico. I have a 3" white plastic statue of Mary with her arms outstretched that I rescued from someone's trash.
I don't think I would have made it through my years of active parenting without Mary. I drew comfort and strength from her example. It made me feel less alone to think that she had gone through "mom stuff," just like I was having to do. I kept her pictures in my office to remind myself that I just needed to hang in there. I keep them there now because I still need that reminder.
The verse above from Hebrews follows what is often called "The Faith Chapter" (Hebrews 11). That chapter highlights those who have come before us who have "kept the faith."
When I read Hebrews 12:1, I can see myself in a huge stadium filled with these people of faith who are cheering me on as I run my race. There's Abraham and Sarah, Rahab, Gideon, Samuel, David--and Mary--and countless others. This great cloud of witnesses roars with approval when I'm swift and sure; they groan their dismay when I stumble. They are pulling for me. They are waiting for the day I join them in the grandstands.
--Leslie Porter
At 6:39 PM, Anonymous said…
Glad you posted about Mary. I really like to think about her and feel it is too bad that, as a protestant, i am not encouraged to "reverence" her. I have often thought about how she must have felt to know, although at what point she knew I don't know, that her son was also her Saviour. What an unbelievable feeling that must have been. From the beginning, it must have been an incredible journey.
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